Christ the King Association

Publications on Covenant Communities

Covenant Community & ChurchCovenant Community & Church
by Stephen B. Clark, 1992

How should covenant communities be related to the Catholic Church, especially communities with a broad ecumenical membership that includes Catholics? What kind of relationship should a covenant community have with its local Catholic bishop? How should a covenant community approach providing a sacramental life for its Catholic members?

In a statement on Catholic covenant community which he edited, Stephen B. Clark examines these and other issues. He also provides a selection of documents on covenant community for further study.

This small book is intended for leaders of covenant communities and others interested in understanding the place of covenant communities in the Catholic Church.


Building Christian CommunitiesBuilding Christian Communities: Strategy for Renewing the Church
by Stephen B. Clark

1972 edition, Ave Maria Press, South Bend, Indiana
1996 edition, Word of Joy, Manila, Philippines.

The Church's main pastoral objective, suggests author Steve Clark, should be the building of Christ-centered communities by an "environmental" approach, which permits the development of a fully Christian life in all its members, and fosters the growth of a naturally emergent leadership from within.

This is an important book because it takes seriously the needs of the Church in an increasingly unchristian society. It sets up principles of action, gives overall direction, and in general terms tells how to achieve the goal, ideal and vision that Christ himself has set before the Church.

Although the book is currently out of print, copies in good condition are often available

(c) 2008 Christ the King Association