European Outreach Trust

Gift Aid Declaration

If you are a UK tax payer, filling in this form increases the value of your gift by 25%.

Full Name:


Post Code:

Email Address:

I declare my intention that tax should be recovered under the Gift Aid scheme on all donations I make to European Outreach Trust from the date four years prior to this declaration, until I notify you otherwise. I pay income tax and/or capital gains tax in each tax year at least equal to the amount of tax all charities and CASCs will reclaim on my giving. I have read and understood the points listed below. *

Enter the text from the image below:

[ Different Image ]

* You should pay enough personal tax in any one tax year to cover the amount all charities and CASCs reclaim on your giving. Relevant tax is any income tax (at whatever rate) or capital gains tax. It must be paid by you personally and not another party. If you cease to be a tax payer, or to pay enough tax, you should notify us. If too much tax is recovered on your giving, you will be liable to refund the Inland Revenue. You are entitled to cancel this declaration at any time. Simply notify us, if you wish to do so.

European Outreach Trust
Registered charity no. 278068
31 Lynton Road, London W3 9HL
Tel: +44 (0)20 8992 7170

European Outreach Trust will only use information from this form to contact you in relation to donations that you have made and to process Gift-Aid on relevant donations. We will not pass on your contact information to a third party without your consent.
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