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Pray by Day
Bite-sized reflections from Pray by Day

Author: Paul Beckman, from the Word of Life in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

In the book of Ecclesiastes, we read “Everyone should... take pleasure in all his toil—this is God's gift to man.” (Ecclesiastes 3:13)

My son and some friends recently began their first real jobs. In a few days, they all mastered the ancient tradition of complaining about long hours, bosses, boring tasks, skinny paychecks… Grumbling about work has probably existed ever since God declared that we would toil by the sweat of our brow to make a living (Genesis 3:18-19). Yet here is Solomon calling us to take pleasure in our labor, because it is the Lord’s gift to us. How does a curse become a gift?

First, we are able to work. We have physical and mental capacity to be productive. Second, God has provided jobs where we can express our skills. In times of incapacitation or unemployment we see, through its absence, the blessing that work is. Third, we have the Lord’s presence. God is with us, even when we are enduring a job, a boss, or co-workers who make work seem anything but a gift. The Father does not drop us at work’s door like a parent with a child. He enters with us and, by his presence, transforms and uses us – demonstrating his goodness to the world, offering us, his co-laborers, as his gift.

How do we think about work? Do we feel that we need to do what we are passionate about, or will we allow God’s grace to bring his zeal and passion into our labor, however challenging it might be?



Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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