Category: Community of disciples on mission

Meditating on God’s Word

Don Schwager, editor of the Daily Scripture Readings and Meditations, provides an example of how to drink in the words of the Lord, and gives us an opportunity to consider our own inner disposition.

A New Pentecost

– by Raúl Ríos This meeting of RIA leaders has brought me great experiences and has left challenges for my life. The Lord has shown himself to be great and I am grateful for that. I was happy to greet brothers that I met at the Worship Conferences who have now become coordinators of their […]

Life in Community: An Unforgettable Reflection

This reflection is excerpted from the book, Unforgettable: How Remembering God’s Presence in Our Past Brings Hope to Our Future, chapter 14, used by permission of Paraclete Press.   Years ago, I thought that if I ever wrote a book about Christian community, I would call it “The Noble Experiment.” Noble, because it involves the high ideals of […]

Reflections on the Pentecostal Charismatic Movement by Bruce Yocum

Our brothers and sisters from the Servants of Jesus, an ecumenical covenant community in Australia have a video online of our brother Bruce Yocum speaking about the Pentecostal Charismatic Movement in 2019. Watch it here:

To die or to serve Christ

Una bala de cañón. 500 años de la conversión de San Ignacio de Loyola – por Eugenio Regidor El 20 de mayo de 1521, Ignacio de Loyola cae herido en la defensa del castillo de Pamplona. Una bala de cañón quiebra sus piernas y lo deja convaleciente. La historia de Ignacio es semejante a la de […]

Covenant Communities – A Sign of Authentic Renewal

Covenant Community Meeting

– by Steve Clark Communities appear whenever the churches experience authentic renewal. One of the signs of authentic spiritual renewal is the birth of new Christian communities. Some of these communities come together to live a fuller Christian life in a daily way. Others come together for apostolic service. Some do both. Their life together […]

Having a Mindset of Gratitude to God

As Christians, what mindset should we have? It should be based on gratitude to God. God could not have made us. But out of His opulent love for us, He created us, hoping that we would love Him back.

The Greatest Good

‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength and love your neighbor as yourself.’

Something Old, Something New…

Are you a grandparent who is concerned about the spiritual welfare of your grandchildren? If you are, you are not alone.