by David Quintana

During this Advent we focus on the King and His Kingdom.  

We know that with Jesus’ invasion of this earth 2000+ years ago that the Kingdom has come – but we also know that it is also clear that it is not yet present fully.  

So we Christians, we believers in this Jesus who came once and will come again, long for the full establishment of his reign.  And we long for the day for righteousness to be established and for wickedness to be cut off.  

The King will come in righteousness to judge and to make war – and that will be a good thing, a very good thing.  In his Kingdom he will reign sovereignly, all will bow before him, and his will alone will be done.  

Lord, let your Kingdom come! And let your will be done – in all the earth and in all my life!

Who is this King of glory?  The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is he, this King of glory? The LORD Almighty –  he is the King of glory.  

Psalm 24:8-10 NIV

Dave Quintana is currently the presiding elder of the Servants of the Word, a missionary brotherhood of men living single for the Lord, and a member of the executive council of the Sword of the Spirit. He currently lives in Lansing MI, USA. Taken from Living Bulwark. Used with permission.