– by Marcela Pérez
From the 9th to the 13th of August we celebrated the seventh International Conference of the Bethany Association (an international and ecumenical association of women living single for the Lord in the Sword of the Spirit) in Glasgow, Scotland. The theme was “Living Single for the aLord in the Sword of the Spirit”. 26 sisters gathered from 10 countries and many different cultures but together in one same ideal: to love the Lord with an undivided heart, being totally consecrated to him and making him our portion and our treasure.

For the first day of the conference we had the pleasure to receive our brother from the Servants of the Word, David Quintana, who encouraged us by speaking about the prophetic place we have as women living single for the Lord in the Sword of the Spirit and the richness of this way of life. In the following days we had work sessions led by the sisters in the Bethany Association Council where we discussed about our relationships as Bethany Association sisters, our vision for the future, supporting the sisters who are discerning, promoting vocations and more about our way of life.
Although it was not only work! What a blessing it was to share with women of many ages, cultures, countries and languages and yet being able to enjoy in fellowship! We had times to share and celebrate between us: the latinas taught “Salsa” Dancing, the filipinas showed us the art of Tagalog; we had time to sing, talk and listen one another’s adventures in life. Of course we couldn’t miss the beauties of such a wonderful country, so we took a day trip under the traditional, rainy scottish weather. We went to Stirling Castle and visited a beautiful small village names Luss.

¡Thank you, Lord, for allowing us to live and share this time together as sisters!
We would like to specially thank our brothers and sisters of the Community of the Risen Christ, in Glasgow, Scotland for being our hosts. We could truly experience the Lord’s love through your hospitality. Thank you!

“Among the many sights and scenes I have witnessed, this conference remains to be the best experience. It is such a joy to be with other women who live the same call; and sharing it with those who are discerning the call. We have discussed our future together and will continue to live out God’s best for us. We are grateful for our local communities who have supported us to make this conference happen and more so, as they continue to support our life.
We, the Bethany Association Conference 2017 attendees, affirm that God has called us for a purpose that He is giving to no one else; we play a role that He has not given to another. What we are and who we are is not the second best but rather, all that we are is for God’s best. We will move forward in God’s call for us and we recognize that it is indeed better to be together.
As Bethany, we are women disciples, loving Jesus and will be known to others by our love for one another as sisters in the Lord as we invite others to consider the call”What the Lord said to us:

The Lord definitively spoke to each one of our hearts during the prayer times. He affirmed that he has called us with a purpose that has not been given to anyone else and that he has called us to live out this way of life in a specific way for such a time as this. He spoke to us about seeking for a greater unity among us and walking closer to him (#BetterTogether).
The Lord gave us a certainty in our hearts of the great things he has prepared for Single Life in the Sword of the Spirit and how his Spirit is eager to call more sisters to give out their lives more fully to him.

We ask for your prayers…
That the Lord may allow us to be fruitful and respond faithfully to the call he has given us.
That he will fulfill all the Bethany Association’s projects and plans.
That the Lord may call more sisters to live single for him.
Marcela Pérez is a sister living single for the Lord with an Initial Agreement with Bethany Association. She is currently a member of the Arbol de Vida Community in San Jose, Costa Rica.