The Sword of the Spirit logo was designed by a team of artists more than 10 years ago and it was time to give it some maintenance.
That is why in the last few months of 2020 we asked a graphic designer to propose some basic changes that would modernize and stylize our logo to better adapt to the realities of the current technological access to media.
The new “refreshed” logo looks very similar to the previous one, but the image has been simplified and the font has changed.

We have implemented the new logo in most of our graphic products and will apply it to all future Sword of the Spirit branded products.
The Kairos logo, of the same family has also been updated. Contact your Kairos regional leader to get the new logos for your outreach.

The Sword of the Spirit logo is maintained by the Sword of the Spirit Communications Office.
The re-design work was done by Rebekah Cuadra, a member of La Nueva Jerusalén community in Miami FL, U.S.A.