Category: Widening our Tent Pegs

IPECC Service Team Got Together In Sydney

– by Andy Pettman, service team secretary One of the fruits of the Sword of the Spirit’s “widening our tent pegs” priority has been the formation of IPECC.  IPECC stands for the International Partnership of Ecumenical Charismatic Communities, and came about initially through the desire of some members the Sword of the Spirit leadership, and the […]

ENC Leaders Convocation 2023

In September 2023 the leaders of the European Network of Communities gathered in Croatia for a 3 day conference that takes place every second year. The event’s purpose is to gather leaders and help strengthen their relationship with God and with one another. Andy Pettman from the Sword of the Spirit was invited to participate. […]

Strategic Partnership Agreement with Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen and Professionals

We are pleased to inform you that on 1st August 2023, the Sword of the Spirit has signed a Strategic Partnership Agreement with Philippines-based Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen and Professionals (BCBP).   BCBP was founded in 1980, initially as an outreach of Manila-based Ligaya Ng Panginoon (Joy of the Lord) Community and has since become an independent […]

Strategic Partnership Meeting Report 

– by Dominic Mc Dermott (European Network of Communities) Four Community Networks agreed to get together in London for three days from 18-20th July 2023 to take the next steps in forming a global Strategic Partnership. We did so as a response to the Spirit’s prompting that this is God’s prophetic work among us for […]

Expressions of the Current of Grace in Covenant Community

The Forum for Charismatic Covenant Community in Italy held a General Conference in Rome on the 11th and 12th of February 2023. The title of the conference was: “The Charismatic Renewal: A Pentecostal Grace for the Whole Church”. During the conference there were plenty of times for worship together and fellowship and there were sessions […]

Widening Our Tent Pegs—Serving the Church in Africa

From February 12 to 17, a group of leaders from the Sword of the Spirit conducted a conference on community formation at the Emmaus Centre in Katimaku, Uganda, about an hour and a half north of Kampala. This was a follow up to a conference conducted in the same location last year by Jean Barbara, […]