We see in our lives some continued shortcomings or sin and wonder how the transformative power of Christ is actually being manifested. “From Glory to Glory: Transformation in Christ” is a four-part teaching series on God’s transformative work in our lives.
It is part of the same project that produced the “Crushing the Serpent’s Head: Christ’s Victory and Ours” series from earlier this year. “Leaven for Living” seeks to produce good teaching material and make it available online at a low cost.

This series will explore God’s action and ours in transforming us more into his image and likeness. It will also take a look at the roles of trials, testing, and suffering as well as faith, hope, and love.
Each week you will have access to a short (~15 minute), lively talk as well as a brief reading from classic and contemporary Christian sources. You will also receive questions to foster personal reflection and application of the teaching. These questions and the course content can be used individually, on the commute to work, or you may want to go through the material together in your small group.
This series will be given exclusively by Dan Keating. This series will begin in the fall. Precise dates will follow.
Registration price is set at $10 USD per user and it gives you access to the whole series and materials.
Find more information or sign up here.
If you have any questions, please contact Tim Ong.