Don Schwager, editor of the Daily Scripture Readings and Meditations, provides an example of how to drink in the words of the Lord, and gives us an opportunity to consider our own inner disposition.
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 202518-25 January, 2025 She said to him, “Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, the one coming into the world.” (John 11:27) Table of Contents Introduction The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is an important opportunity for us in the Sword of […]
Elections for a new International President of the Sword of the Spirit as well as members of the International Executive Council (IEC) took place during the meeting of the International Assembly last May in Costa Rica. They will serve for a 4-year period effective immediately. We would like to introduce Manny de los Santos as […]
More than 350 leaders from around the Sword of the Spirit as well as some guests from our strategic partners gathered in Costa Rica for four days of inspiring talks, useful workshops, lively worship times and upbuilding fellowship. Thank you for your prayers! Here is a short recap video that highlights the event: