Oren por nosotros Seguimos tramitando papeles para poder permanecer en Brasil por más tiempo. El Equipo de Misioneros, con la invaluable ayuda de Deisiane de Leão Machado da Costa, una de las hermanas de la Comunidad, ha logrado presentar nuevamente, una solicitud para poder permanecer en el país para continuar con la misión. Les pedimos […]
Year: 2022
More updates on the Brazil Mission
En febrero, el Proyecto Baluarte Brasil inició las asambleas comunitarias y los grupos pastorales en la Comunidad Terra de Santa Cruz. Los hermanos y hermanas están muy ilusionados y con mucho entusiasmo. Ya también iniciamos las sesiones pastorales individuales. El sábado 19 de febrero participamos en la 2a Reunión Virtual de la Zona Sur de […]
Let us glory in temptation
– by Ambrose (339-397 AD) The devil does not have only one weapon. He uses many different means to defeat human beings: now with bribery, now with boredom, now with greed he attacks, inflicting mental and physical wounds equally. The kind of temptation varies with the different kinds of victim. Avarice is the test of […]
Life in Community: An Unforgettable Reflection
This reflection is excerpted from the book, Unforgettable: How Remembering God’s Presence in Our Past Brings Hope to Our Future, chapter 14, used by permission of Paraclete Press. Years ago, I thought that if I ever wrote a book about Christian community, I would call it “The Noble Experiment.” Noble, because it involves the high ideals of […]
Day 8: Tuesday, January 25
Matthew 2:12 “They left for their own country by another road.” Beyond the familiar routes of separation to God’s new paths Reading: You show me the path of life. Psalms 16:11 Reflection: We do not know what the wise men thought – they who were experts in astronomy and navigation – when they were warned […]
Day 7: Monday, January 24
Matthew 2:11 “Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” The gifts of communion Reading: For I desire steadfast love not sacrifice. Hosea 6:1-6 Reflection: In our journey to Bethlehem, the city of bread, we contemplate the wise men who came to pay homage to the Christ-child. They opened their […]