Category: 40days

Let us glory in temptation

– by Ambrose (339-397 AD) The devil does not have only one weapon. He uses many different means to defeat human beings: now with bribery, now with boredom, now with greed he attacks, inflicting mental and physical wounds equally. The kind of temptation varies with the different kinds of victim. Avarice is the test of […]

A Disciple’s Yoke

We need not fear a clear statement of the requirements of the gospel. – by Bruce Yocum “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly of heart, and you will find rest […]

With Jesus in the Wilderness for 40 Days

And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan, and was led by the Spirit for forty days in the wilderness, tempted by the devil. And he ate nothing in those days; and when they were ended, he was hungry.

The Spiritual Meaning of Fasting

Some of the Old Testament background, spiritual dimensions and a few practical guidelines about the practice of fasting.

Focus For Fasting

Fasting helps remind us of our higher calling to serve and worship Jesus Christ. A helpful approach taking practices from the Greek Orthodox Church.

The devil’s strategy

The devil demonstrates simultaneously his weakness and his wickedness.

We conquer the enemy by conquering ourselves

They began to discipline themselves and to conquer the desires of the flesh in order to be able to conquer their opponents.

Pursuing Holiness in an Unholy World

Have you ever wondered why it is not easy to be a Christian nowadays? One big reason is that we live in an unholy world.

The devil does not have full power

Among the angelic powers the chief of the terrestrial order, the one to whom God had entrusted the task of looking after the earth, was not evil by nature, he had not received any trace of evil from his Creator.

The Lavish Love of the Prodigal Father

Jesus’ story of the father and his two sons is the longest and most moving parable in the Gospels. What is the main point or focus of the story?