Category: News & Events

Brazil Mission Update

Queridos hermanos, Estamos al 9 de septiembre y aún no nos han entregado nuestras visas para poder viajar a Brasil para llevar a cabo la misión del Proyecto Baluarte Brasil. Sin embargo, eso no significa que la misión no haya iniciado ya y queremos actualizarlos de lo que ha estado pasando en las últimas semanas. […]

We have a date for our trip to Brazil

Viajaremos, Dios mediante a São José dos Campos el lunes 26 de julio. Ya hemos presentado los formularios digitales de solicitud de visa a la Embajada de Brasil en Costa Rica y estamos esperando su aprobación para una visa de voluntario para Silene y para mí. Por favor oren para que nos confirmen la visa […]

Grupo Kairos is getting ready to receive the missionaries

Estos son! Estos son varios de los hermanos del Grupo Kairós en São José dos Campos. La mayoría son solteros, varios de novios y también hay varios casados y con hijos. Este fin de semana, tuvieron un retiro preparatorio a la llegada de los misioneros de la EDE con el apoyo de Paulo Machado, Siervo […]

One Small Step For The Community, One Giant Leap For The Christchurch Branch

On the 2nd May 2021, the Lamb of God Centre in Christchurch, New Zealand was officially opened and celebrated with a prayer meeting of the community branch there, joined by the National Leadership and some guests. The journey started in April 2013 when the Centre was temporarily vacated for a couple of months to allow some […]

How can I pray for the situation in India?

– Edited from a report by Romeo Fernando What is the current situation in India? The covid-19 situation is escalating to unprecedented levels across our country. It is expected to remain that way for some time. Not only are the Covid positive cases growing – compared to the first wave, the fatalities are alarmingly higher. In […]

Praying for Colombia

– por Juan C. Aragón El país de Colombia está atravesando una situación bastante crítica en este momento a raíz de una serie de disturbios y enfrentamientos entre fuerzas armadas y manifestantes. Todo empezó como una marcha del sector laboral para protestar por una reforma tributaria que el gobierno estaba proponiendo. Se decía que esta […]

Pray for Honduras and Nicaragua

On November 3rd ETA hit the coast of Honduras and Nicaragua as a category 4 hurricane. Four days of intensive rains flooded many cities and villages mainly in the north coast, and caused devastating damages to the agricultural and manufacturing industry.  Our communities in those countries were impacted by them. In the case of Fortaleza […]

Pronto 2020

The Lord called more than 2000 young professionals from the Sword of the Spirit and challenged them to respond with their 100%

Building Families for the Kingdom

Almost 300 brothers and sisters got together in Tegucigalpa Honduras for their leaders’ conference with the theme: Building Families for the Kingdom.

North America Single Women’s Retreat

A group of single women from nine communities in the North American Region gathered for a weekend retreat. It was a wonderful weekend…